Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Coping with labour naturally

  • Choose a care provider and birth place that will allow you freedom in labour and plenty of support.
  • Practice relaxation during pregnancy.
  • Use affirmations and visualization during pregnancy.
  • Choose labour companions who will support and encourage you - consider a Doula.
  • Read inspiring birth stories during pregnancy.
  • Labour at home as long as possible.
  • Make your location as comfortable as possible.
  • Keep your space warm and dark.
  • Bring comforts of home to the birth center.
  • Go about your daily routine during early labour - sleep if it's night.
  • Eat and drink as you need to.
  • Move. Walk inside or outside, use a birth ball, slow dance - movement helps.
  • Surrender to the power of labour and the power of your body, embrace it.
  • Play music that you love, that helps you move deeper into labour, or that soothes you.
  • Stand and bear down on low support, or pull on a soft rope support if it helps.
  • Be grateful that you'l be meeting your baby soon. Be grateful for your attendants.
  • Vocalize -use deep, open moans. Relax your jaw. This relaxes your bottom.
  • Know that you can do this.
  • Visualize your body opening and your baby moving down.
  • Keep peeing. This gets you moving and some women like labouring on the toilet.
  • Try aromatherapy. Massage with essential oils in a carrier oil can be wonderful.
  • Have an attendant use counter-pressure for strong back labor.
  • Use a hot sock, rice sock, or aromatherapy stuffed animal to apply moist heat.
  • Use cool washcloths or a frozen hot sock, rice sock, or aromatherapy animal for cold.
  • Get in the shower.
  • Get into warm water.
  • Have an attendant give you a massage on your legs, or anywhere that feels good.
  • Don't try to escape the pain - embrace it, go with it. Explore it, be curious about it, if it helps.
  • Feel the love of those around you.
  • Talk to your baby.
  • Look in the eyes of your support team.
  • Do what your body tells you to do. Breathe.
  • Trust yourself.

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