Theoni is one of the few certified Hypnobirthing® practitioners in South Africa. Using Hypnobirthing® methods she teaches mothers and birth companions techniques for safe and satisfying birthing through guided imagery, visualization, and special breathing.
About HypnoBirthing
HypnoBirthingÒ involves teaching the technique of self-hypnosis. Through self-hypnosis you achieve a state of deep relaxation, similar to watching the flames in a fire, or the waves crashing in the ocean. It teaches you how to release all prior programming about birth and how to trust your body and work with it. The HypnoBirthingÒ relaxation techniques allow you to let go of fear and other harmful emotions. With lessened tension, your body is freed to tap into your own natural birthing instincts and to function as it is designed to do in childbirth.
The Benefits:
· Improved health and better sleep during pregnancy
· Educates you about birthing, allowing you to make more informed birthing choices
· Shortens labour
· Teaches deep levels of relaxation that decrease pain
· Reduces the need for pain-relief or intervention
· Reduces fatigue during labour
· Better recovery after birth and less risk for post-natal depression
· Babies are calmer possibly due to diminished trauma at birth.
How it works:
You can start HypnoBirthingÒ any time after your 20 week scan, to 36 weeks. The course consists of 4 weekly sessions and can either be held in a group or privately. Groups are up to a maximum of five couples so that there is time for each of you to have your concerns addressed. You will be provided with the official Hypnobirthing book by Marie Morgan, 2 x Relaxation CD’s, and all course materials.
You will learn:
· How your body works and what happens during pregnancy and labour
· Techniques of deep relaxation and how these can assist you during your labour
· How to create a calm, serene birthing environment
· Massage techniques for the birthing partner to assist during labour
· Advice on choosing your healthcare provider and birthing place
· How to write a flexible birthing plan, taking account of your preferences
· How to look after yourself with exercise and nutrition.
Course Details: Courses held at Genesis Clinic. 5 Northwold Drive, Saxonwold, cnr Jan Smuts 011 646 3923